My name is Eric Rowe,
owner and operator of Pride Rock Kennels, Home of the Rowe Bulldogs. Pride Rock is a small kennel that marches by it's own
drums, i.e. Rowe Dogs.
I am an NKC judge, an ABNA judge ( I was one of the original ABNA judges), and I have judged
here in the United States and abroad. I held the first American Bulldog Specialty show in Cincinnati and I held the only NKC
National Specialty show besides Allen Scott in the past five years. I hosted or co-hosted five conformation shows, Iron Dog
and working events in the past three years. I have co-hosted two working/catch competition weekends at the Trophy Hunter's
Lodge in South Carolina in the past year. I fought and won a BSL case in Cincinnati, and I have been called in as an expert
witness on several BSL cases since then. I have done several interviews for our local media regarding the breed and BSL.
line or inbreed for the most part, and at this point in time, I only have dogs I bred or had a hand in the breeding on my
yard. I have four generations (Nia, Nikki, Maxi and Rose) of catch dogs off Nia, including herself, two off Cody (Xena and
Athena), not including Cody since I have never seen her catch in person or on tape. I have no doubt Max would have caught
if it was not for his untimely death. I have a son, daughter and granddaughter of Max on my yard today that catch. This only
takes into account dogs that I have on my yard, and I did not include Tank because he has both females in his pedigree up
Several other kennels and/or trainers' foundation stock came from Pride Rock or Rowe Bulldogs. These dogs have
earned titles such as NKC championships, weight pull titles, catch dog titles, iron dog titles, C.G.C., T.D.I., and T.T.,
among others. We currently have dogs we bred or dogs we have owned working on their UKC Conformation Championship and training
for P.S.A.
Stability is the most important trait of our dogs, and may be one of our greates contributions. In order
to function as pets, especially in a society were BSL, ignorance and the enemy within, those that talk about their involvement
in illegal activities in public forums via the internest, run ramped, stability is a neccesity.
Rowe Bulldogs:
short, Nonie, Eve, Char, Diesel, Coco, Tank, the Maxi x Rose breeding, the Max x Athena breeding, the Stone Wall x Nia breeding,
the Max x Bizze breeding, the Zeus x Athena breeding, the Tizzy x Cody breeding, and the Max x Amber breeding comprise the
Rowe Bulldogs. I have been blessed as my mistakes and accidental breedings have paid off for the Baby Leon x Cody breeding
(Cody was twenty one days into her heat), and also the Bingo (a dog that had no where near the work in him that I was told
he had) x Nia breeding.
Combinations that produced honest working dogs, that only can be had if you get it off my
yard. I like to think of myself as the mad scientist.
I hope to work with Lynn Hailey and get a Boerboel/Pit
pup. Roger Williams and one of his Bandogs or a Neo female. AB wise, I could see a breeding to Cotton or getting something
off him. You both can consider this plug. I have a corso female that I am testing, and if she catches, we just may see what
she throws? There may be a litter of Olde's hitting the ground soon that I hope to take a look at?
In conclusion,
if you find yourself in need of an honest working Bulldog, Pride Rock, on occasion, may have just what your looking for.